Chillar Party (2011) DVD9 rusub


Chillar Party (2011) India


A gang of innocent but feisty kids who lead carefree lives in Chandan Nagar colony take own the big bad world of politics when one of their friend’s life is endangered.

Extras included.

Size: 7.07 Gb ( 7 413 730 KBytes ) — DVD-9
Enabled regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Play Length: 02:15:10
Video: NTSC 16:9 (720×480) VBR, Auto Pan&Scan
Audio: Hindi (Dolby AC3, 6 ch) Hindi (Dolby AC3, 2 ch)
Subtitles: English, Russian


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3 отзыва на “Chillar Party (2011) DVD9 rusub

  1. cz:

    boysonger, have you heard about this: 奇跡 2011

  2. cz:

    Don’t post this comments. I want to contact only with you. I have problem with Japan, because it’s exotic for me, but I found movie titled «Miracle» and I think it can be really interesting. Only one link I can found:

    Maybe for you Japan is more digestible…

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