Chiisaki yusha-tachi: Gamera (2006) DVD5 rus

Chiisaki yusha-tachi: Gamera (2006) Japan


The beloved Gamera the Brave once again hits the screen! Both the parents who grew up with Gamera and children discovering him for the first time can enjoy the touching story of a boy and his turtle (who is actually a crime-busting alien) and their heart-stopping adventures fighting gigantic monsters.

Size: 4.32 Gb ( 4 534 336 KBytes ) — DVD-5
Enabled regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Play Length: 01:36:45
Video: NTSC 16:9 (720×480) VBR, Auto Pan&Scan, Auto Letterboxed
Audio: Japanese (Dolby AC3, 6 ch) Chinese (Dolby AC3, 6 ch) Russian (Dolby AC3, 6 ch)
Subtitles: Chinese, English


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