Sigurd Drakedreper (1989) DVD5 rus


Sigurd Drakedreper aka The Littlest Viking (1989) Norway


A 12-year-old Viking Prince, Sigurd, takes on fearsome warriors, legendary beasts and far-out characters as he learns about truth, nobility and honor. For young Sigurd, this is an age of exploration and adventure…a time to seek new challenges, save a few damsels, and perhaps slay a dragon along the way. Set against the spectacular scenic fjords of Norway and Scandinavia.

Size: 4.26 Gb ( 4 468 772 KBytes ) — DVD-5
Enabled regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Play Length: 01:29:14
Video: PAL 4:3 (720×576) VBR
Audio: Norsk (Dolby AC3, 2 ch) Russian (Dolby AC3, 2 ch)
Subtitles: English, Russian


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